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Volume 9 , Issue 4

Volume 9, Issue 4

1) Handwriting Analysis and Blank Picture of Thematic Apperception Test in Relation to Richness of Imagination
Author’s Details: (1)Durlabh Singh Kowal, Ph.D. (2)Lt Col Kamalpreet Saggi, Ph.D-(1)DRDO Scientist “D”, 22 SSB, Selection Centre Central, Bhopal (2)Technical Officer – 22 SSB, Selection Centre Central, Bhopal

An image or visual stimulus in the environment plays an essential role in exercising the imagination. An imagery based account of the imagination is directed to the mental imagining but if the image is entirely eliminated then it brings out the true nature of imagination. Hammer (1958) hypothesised that painters, composers, designers, and anyone who uses their imagination projects his personality through the form of self expression. Roeckelein (2004) describes imagination as the “recombination of memories of past experiences and previously formed images into novel constructions”.

Projective techniques are strategies used to access presumably repressed content that is often unconscious or difficult to get access. Projective techniques are predicated on the assumption that a person will cast his or her unfiltered perception, feelings, and desires onto neutral or ambiguous images (Branthwaite, 2002).  There are five classifications of projective techniques based on response elicited (Linzey, 1959), namely associative, completion, constructive, ordering and expressive techniques.
Thematic Apperception test (TAT) is a constructive projective test developed by Morgan & Murray (1935) which uses stimulus pictures of intentionally varied ambiguity to evaluate a person’s pattern of thoughts, attitudes, observational capacity and emotional responses to ambiguous test materials.TAT is so integrally involved with Murray’s concept of personality and the hypothesis is, that when someone attempts to interpret a complex situations he is apt to tell as much about himself as he is about the phenomenon on which his attention is focused. It is a test of imagination in which subjects have to write a story on and around the picture image shown to them. They have to write what led to the situation, what is going on and what the outcome will be? They have to describe thoughts, feelings and actions of the characters involved in the story. At such times the subject is off guard, since one believes that one is merely explaining objectives occurrences. There are eleven pictures and one blank picture and each of these pictures has a differential evocative power with respect to different aspects of personality. A blank picture is described where no situation or character presented to the subject. One is free to imagine a situation and characters of his or her own choice and then have to write a story. It is the last picture to be shown in the set of 12 pictures of TAT
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Styles of Learning and Thinking of Adolescents Aspiring Career in Engineering and Medical Field
Author’s Details: (1)Durlabh Singh Kowal, Ph.D. (2)Lt Col Kamalpreet Saggi, Ph.D-(1)DRDO Scientist “D”, 22 SSB, Selection Centre Central, Bhopal (2)Technical Officer – 22 SSB, Selection Centre Central, Bhopal

Individuals differ in their style of learning and thinking. The left hemisphere dominance is always favoured for science enthusiast. The science further divides into two prominent pathways of engineering and medical field for a science aficionado. Before deciding the career pathway, one comes across interesting and life changing questions of have it or not? Such as, quantitative aptitude, fascination about innovations and technology, practical and applied sense of work, inclination towards research and findings, and finally satisfaction. Both engineering and medical are scientific subjects that allow exposure to various technical subjects and skill sets, varying in degree of requirement. Both subjects need problem solving, decision making, innovation, project or health management, team work and communication. Both have become creative profession in a time of rapid social and technological changes. From an educational perspective, development of problem solving and creativity both are essential requisites of learning and thinking. Problem solving and creativity are the backbone of left and right hemispheric specialization knowledge of brain. Studies have shown that young men and women have different styles when it comes to choosing a career (Mihyeon, 2009). Engineering has traditionally done an exceptional job at educating the left brain – logic, problem solving rather cultivating the right brain – a foci of creativity, artistic skills and humanities. Several research studies regarding the motivations and hopes of the medical students show that the most common motivation are altruism, the desire to help other ( Prka, Danic & Glavas, 2002).

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Collaborative Governance in Managing Transportation Online
Author’s Details: (1) RM. Bramastyo Kusumo Negoro-Faculty of Economic and Business Bhayangkara University, Surabaya Indonesia(2) Susi Ratnawati-Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Bhayangkara University, Surabaya Indonesia
The progress of the digital era now has a very broad impact in all fields, at every level of society, not least in the field of transportation.
Transportation is a basic need for public access in all activities. The development of transportation is progressing rapidly with online transportation, both cars and motorbikes, making it easy for the public to access this mode of online transportation and is also cheaper than conventional transportation. However, the development of uncontrolled online transportation will cause several problems and horizontal conflicts with conventional transportation.
Agencies or companies engaged in the transportation sector today are considered to be very vulnerable to the development of issues that occur in the community. Especially with the advancement of information technology through mass media and social media, now it is not uncommon for this issue to end up with a negative perspective due to the distortion of communication in the community.
The purpose of this study is to analyze collaborative governance that has been implemented by the government to overcome transportation problems, especially between online and regular. The government needs to collaborate between stakeholders in the administration of government as an effort and the government’s response in handling public problems. Collaborative governance is a collaboration between stakeholders involving the government, the private sector, and the community and is one of the solutions in solving the problem of Public Transportation. The research method uses a qualitative approach.
Key words: collaborative, governance, transportation, management, online
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Stories about New Avenues to Do Research, Part III
Author’s Details: Jeroen Staring-Retired Dr Jeroen Staring taught mathematics at secondary schools in The Netherlands. His 2005 Medical Sciences dissertation describes the life, work and technique of F. Matthias Alexander. In 2013 he successfully defended a second dissertation, on the early history of the NYC Bureau of Educational Experiments.
This (third and final part of a three-part) case study loosely examines the results of several new ways of doing research — through sites such as Amazon.com, Ebay.com, Google.com, PriceMinister.com,  rove.nla.gov.au/newspaper, Used.addall.com, and Worldcat.org.

Key Words: New avenues of conducting research. Beatrice Moses Hinkle; Florence Nightingale; Mary Jane (née Grant) Seacole. Frederick Matthias Alexander.
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Statistical Simulation of Sea Level-Rise on the Port-Bouet Coast (Ivory Coast)
Author’s Details: (1) Jacques André TIEMELE (2) Brice Mobio ABAKA  (3) Jeanne Maffoué KOUADIO-(1) (2) (3) Centre Universitaire de Recherche et d’Application en Télédétection, UFHB, Ivory Coast

The in-depth analysis and knowledge of the variation of weather-marine factors (tidal and wave heights, wind speeds) is a major challenge in understanding the physical processes of erosion and marine submersion on Ivorian coastal areas. Indeed, this coastal area has undergone several episodes of storms in particular in August 2011 and May 2014), which had negative impacts on environmental, socio-economic and human resources. For this purpose, an analysis of the data was carried out on the simultaneous variation of predicted tidal heights at the Port of Abidjan, by the SHOM, of wave heights and wind speeds, acquired by satellite altimetry by NOAA/PMEL during the period September 2009-February 2016. The objective is to carry out statistical simulations of extreme marine levels using the generalized method of extreme values, using the software R. The threshold values recorded are 1.01 m, 1.87 m and 5 m/s for tidal heights, waves and wind speeds respectively. Extreme heights range from 1.01 to 1.17 for the tide, 1.87 to 2.8 m for the waves, and 5 and 9.09 m/s for the wind speeds, with a 95% confidence bands. Storms on the Port-Bouet coast in 2011 and 2014 would have caused flooding areas of 0.72 sq.m for a 10-year return period. But from a 20-years return period, 0.9 sq.m of the coast are flooded, including the neighborhood Derrière Warff.
Key Words:
weather-marine factors, statistical simulations, return period, flooding areas, Port-Bouet

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6) A Deep Dive into Tesla’s Business Strategic Options in Finding a Winning Strategy
Author’s Details: (1) Tyler M. Roark-College of Business and Technology-Eastern Kentucky University – Richmond, KY 40475 (2)Qian Xiao * (contact author)-Department of Management, Marketing and International Business, College of Business and Technology-Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY 40475

Research Objective and Importance of the Topic
Strategic analysis needs to follow a logical structure in order to come up with effective solutions. We integrate multiple strategy tools in a logical pattern, and develop working steps of how to use those strategy tools step by step. Specifically we use Tesla as our research subject in the case study, and showcase a business example of integrating analysis tools to identify opportunities, understand internal capabilities, and come up with sound strategic options.
Methodology and Key Findings
We first apply the PESTEL analysis and the five-force model to understand Tesla’s current status, and identify the potential opportunities and threats from the macro and industry environments. We further employ the strategic group mapping framework to contrast Tesla with other major auto companies on the basis of the customers-perceived luxury; and thus sort out a typology of four competition clusters that include “budget brands”, “utilitarian brands”, “luxury brands”, and “high luxury brands”.  The typology helps us to understand the competitive landscape of the auto industry, and which company might become the most direct competitors to Tesla. For the internal analysis, we use the value-chain analysis framework to understand Tesla’s core competencies. Finally, we propose a list of recommendations that would help the company to fully exploit their existing strengths to take advantage of external opportunities, and mitigate external threats; some defensive competition tactics are suggested to prepare the company for the worst possible scenario.
Tesla, strategic analysis, external analysis, internal analysis, SWOT analysis
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7) A Team Approach for Implementing Developmentally Appropriate Practices in an Inclusive Preschool Classroom
Author’s Details: *Jennifer L. Kilgo, Ed.D., Jerry Aldridge, Ed.D., Laura Vogtle, Ph.D.,Billy Ronilo, M.S. University of Alabama at Birmingham

*Corresponding author
Developmentally appropriate practices have been a hallmark of early childhood education for over a century. However, an established definition and guidelines were not published until 1986 (Bredekamp, 1986) and 1987 (Bredekamp, 1987) by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), which were referred to as the Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP). Since then, these guidelines have been modified numerous times and divided into specific age groups (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997; Copple & Bredekamp, 2006; Copple & Bredekamp, 2009; Copple, Gonzalez-Mena, & Bredekamp, 2011; Copple, Koralek, Charner, & Bredekamp, 2013a; Copple, Koralek, Charner, & Bredekamp, 2013b; Copple, Koralek, Charner, & Bredekamp, 2013c). Further, a new edition of the DAP guidelines is process and will be available in the near future.

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8) Review of Recent Research and Recommendations for Teaching the Alphabet in Early Childhood Settings
Author’s Details: Jerry Aldridge, Ed.D., Jennifer L. Kilgo, Ed.D., Lynn D. Kirkland, Ed.D.University of Alabama at Birmingham

Learning letter names and sounds is a tradition in most early childhood classrooms. Unfortunately, many strategies and activities used for teaching the alphabet in childcare, preschool, and kindergarten classrooms are not based on research. Some approaches teachers use are popular and pervasive and have become standard fare. Examples include singing the alphabet song (without looking at the letters) and using a “letter of the week” approach where teachers emphasize one letter per week to teach to the children. Such approaches are not based on research and waste valuable time that could be spent on more meaningful and evidence-based practices (Lusche, 2003; Meier, 2010).

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9) Overview of Research on Medical Composite Material
Author Details: Van Ngoc Hoang-Thu Dau Mot University No 6, Tran Van on Street, Thu Dau Mot city, Binh Duong province, Vietnam

The paper presents an overview of the research, the basic system of biomedical composti materials. The author conducts a system of biomedical composites, classifies materials, synthesizes materials containing composites, and analyzes them in detail.
Medical Composite Material
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10) Study on Aflatoxin Toxins in Vietnam
Author’s Details:(1)Thi Thu Hoai Pham (2)Thi Ha Tran (3)Thi Thuy Truong-(1) (2) (3)University of Economics – Technology for Industries, Vietnam-Correspondence: Thi Thu Hoai Pham, 456 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi

The paper conducts analytical analysis of the theoretical basis of aflatoxin toxins from the origin, aflatoxin-producing species, reproductive species, chemical activity and mechanisms of toxic effects. aflatoxin element. Based on that theory, we conduct a situation analysis in Vietnam with special conditions on environment and climate. We analyzed this toxin on a number of species such as Chicken Duck and mechanism of action on humans. Finally, we offer solutions to control and prevent this toxin.
Keywords: aflatoxin toxins, Vietnam

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How to Develop Vietnam’s Sea Tourism?
Author Details: Thi Lua Phạm-University of Economics – Technology for Industries, Vietnam-Correspondence: Thi Lua Pham, 456 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi
The objective of this paper is to assess the current situation of economic development of sea and island tourism in Vietnam. On the basis of the theoretical basic overview of island tourism. We conduct a state-of-the-art analysis of the situation of sea and island tourism in the world and in Vietnam. From there, propose solutions to develop island and island tourism for Vietnam.
Sea tourism, Vietnam
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12) Study Attracting International Tourism in Vietnam
Author Details: Thi Minh Huong Nguyen-University of Economics – Technology for Industries, Vietnam-Correspondence: Thi Minh Huong Nguyen, 456 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi
The objective of the paper is to assess the current situation of attracting international tourists to Vietnam. The author conducts qualitative and quantitative analysis of the factors affecting the attraction of international tourists to Vietnam. Using Stata test software, the results show the factors affecting the attraction of international tourists to Vietnam. From the research results, the author recommends solutions to help Vietnam increase the attraction of international tourists to Vietnam.

Keywords:Attraction, international tourists, Vietnam
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13) The Impact of Intellectual Property on Performance of Enterprises in Vietnam 
Author Details: Tuan Hung Vu, PHD-Institute of Regional Sustainable Development (IRSD), Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam
The objective of this paper is to assess the impact of intellectual property on the performance, in particular, the financial efficiency of Vietnamese businesses. The results show that intellectual property has a positive impact with a very strong coefficient on financial efficiency. From that, the author recommends that businesses should invest in building intellectual property development to improve business efficiency and sustainable development of the country.

Keywords: Intellectual property, performance, Vietnam
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14) The Impact of Intellectual Property on Economic Growth
Author’s Details:(1)Minh Tuyen Pham-People’s Tribunal President of Bac Ninh province; 46 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Suoi Hoa Ward, Bac Ninh City(2)Thi Thu Hien Phan-University of Economics – Technology for Industries, Vietnam-Correspondence: Thi Thu Hien Phan, 456 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi
The objective of the paper is to review and assess the overview of intellectual property, the impact of intellectual property on economic growth. The impact of intellectual property on economic growth is assessed through the level of intellectual property contributions to GDP. We conduct worldwide assessments in the developed economies of the US and Europe. From there we assess the situation in Vietnam and draw lessons and solutions for Vietnam.

Keywords: intellectual property
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15) The Role of Intellectual Property, Intellectual Property Valuation In Vietnam
Author Details: Thi To Phuong Nguyen –University of Economics – Technology for Industries, Vietnam-Correspondence: Thi To Phuong Nguyen, 456 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi

The objective of the article is to analyze and synthesize the benefits of intellectual property, the role of intellectual property valuation. Analyze the contributions of intellectual property after being priced. After being assessed, intellectual property is used for many different purposes, which can contribute capital, franchise, and be used as collateral …. Intellectual property has a very important role in the development of organizations and businesses. Therefore, organizations should invest in developing intellectual property.

Keywords: Intellectual property, intellectual property valuation, Vietnam
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16) Intellectual Property Assessment
Author’s Details: (1)Minh Tuyen Pham-People’s Tribunal President of Bac Ninh province; 46 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Suoi Hoa Ward, Bac Ninh City (2)Xuan Toan Doan-University of Kinh Bac, Vietnam (3)Thi Thu Hien Phan-University of Economics – Technology for Industries, Vietnam-Correspondence: Thi Thu Hien Phan, 456 Minh Khai, Hai Ba Trung, Ha Noi

The paper overviewed the theoretical basis of intellectual property valuation, the situation of intellectual property valuation in Vietnam. Next, we evaluated the experience of intellectual property valuation in countries around the world from which to draw lessons for Vietnam. Finally, we offer solutions to help improve the valuation of intellectual property in Vietnam.

Keywords: Intellectual property valuation, Vietnam.
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